Student/Parent Handbook & Policies

Student/Parent Handbook 2020-2021: School Spirit

Green and White


The Alleman crest is composed of the cross and the water, the urn and the flame, and the eight-pointed star - all enclosed in a design of the Dominican shield; then from the circle extends the four small appendages.

History tells us that the Faith was brought to this area along the Mississippi by a Dominican missionary, Father George Alleman, the priest for whom our school is named: hence the cross, the water,  and the design of the Dominican shield. Alleman is, indeed, an institution of learning, and this is signified by the urn and the flame. The star with eight points extending in all directions may be symbolic of two things: first, Alleman is a central high school inviting all students of the neighboring parishes to attend; second, not only does the Alleman faculty consist of secular and religious priests and six different communities of sisters, but there are also many lay persons who number more than half of the faculty; and of these, several are not of our faith.

The circle is a symbol of unity. Lastly, the four appendages are reminders of the four outstanding qualities of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. These four qualities every true Allemanite strives to attain.

Hail to the Pioneers,
Cheer them along the way.
Onward to victory.
May they win again today.
Let’s give a cheer for the Pioneers
Long may they reign supreme
Shout! Till the echoes ring
For the Glory of the team.




A simplified logo was designed in 2000. This logo is symbolic of “Alleman as a Catholic educational institution.

The Alleman mural is described in a September 28, 1965 newspaper article. “The 25' by 25' mural represents the burst of creation from the hand of God and what we owe Him in return. It is a combination of many students’ designs and is a study of symbolism. Every form of nature is represented: plant life, by the tree and its fruits; insects, by the caterpillar; the different animal kingdoms, by the bird, fish and horse; and the wonders of the universe, by the stars and planets in the picture.”

The two -tone coloring of the person in the immediate fore-ground represents not only the two sides of human nature, spiritual and material, but also reminds us of the equality of races. “The fact that the cup of incense, our offering to God in return for His gifts, is placed far to the right by itself shows how very limited and unworthy are the thanks we give.” The mosaic was completed in 1965 by the art students of Sr. M. Alexia, O.S.B. Fr. George Wuellner was the project’s original advisor.”